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- $thisStuff is TOO SIMPLE!
- Abstraction is a fear playground
- Augumenting as usual
- Baby, this is not touch yet..
- Business projection
- Charger gatekeeper
- Civilization consumables
- Comment by '(anonymous)' on 'Data Disclaimer for websites'
- Comment by '5 Mode' on 'Open Responsibility group'
- Data Disclaimer for websites
- Delegating hardware ownership, uh?
- Device market is not a guess
- Draft of '$thisStuff is TOO SIMPLE!' by 5 Mode
- Electronics with love
- Escape from Simplicity (the movie)
- Extensible gate, technology at risk
- File handlers vs DBMS, 1st Episode
- Fresh resources, new ideas..
- From VCR to Smart TVs
- Goodies more than cookies
- Goofy interface
- Help, HR is from the Sales!
- High-level languages, uh?
- Horizontal experience
- How to save the 'web language'?
- I'm local: yes or no?
- Identity thief on the way..
- IoT for consumers
- Joke, access to the cafe is free..
- Joke, do not say trolls!
- Joke, go for a less smoking Mac!
- Joke, I won't be a Support Engineer!
- Joke: "Fast" wont change your future
- Joke: A 2.5 decades problem
- Joke: new, Twitter and IoT
- Joke: Friend or foe?
- Joke: Github blog is finally out..
- Joke: no tablet? aya-ya-yai
- Joke: One Tablet Per Child
- Joke: We are responsible for our coffee
- jQuery deserves a tech award
- Machines better than humans
- My own scheleton tricks..
- mybesttiddle
- MyBg
- Need for mere pragmatism
- New fantasy: the ebook rental..
- No backend, live in sec
- Nowarez market
- Old code: what a beauty..
- On premised data
- On-premise wow
- One step ahead our privacy
- Open Responsibility group
- Our own dog food, the revange
- Papers, the technology limit
- Peer-to-peer web clients - the birth
- Personal introverse view
- PHP long way to perfection
- Security at first glance?
- Snapseed deserves a tech award
- Standalone software vs Internet
- Standard format for breaches
- The software developer ocean
- There is no holiday
- TTM, to be or not to be..
- Unstructured data on the go
- Virtual premises
- Welcome!
- Why the bear dance is really wrong?
- Why the hacker metaphor is wrong
- Your name usage frequency